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Direct Ready-made Portfolios

You can invest in a collection of direct shares and bonds the easy way with a Direct Ready-made Portfolio, and benefit from our investment team’s extensive research. Find out if a Direct Ready-made Portfolio could suit your goals.

The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

Direct range investors

Individual shares and bonds

Our Direct range appeals to investors keen to invest in a focused portfolio of individual shares and bonds, rather than funds.

It’s good to remember the value of investments can go down as well as up and you could get back less than you invested.

Direct range experts

  • Experienced investment team: Each Ready-made Portfolio is built and managed by the experienced investment team at Evelyn Partners, our parent company. They look after more than £60 billion of people’s money (as of 30 September 2024)
  • Affordable price: Our high quality, low-cost Direct portfolios offer diversification, the flexibility to respond to market conditions and expert investment management for an affordable price
After you choose the Direct portfolio that suits your goals, our investment team will do the rest.

Why are they called the “Direct” range?

On the investment search and in your account you’ll see this range of funds referred to by their official name of “Evelyn Multi-Asset” funds. We call them the Direct range to distinguish them from the other ranges because they mostly invest directly in individual shares and bonds.

4 types of risk-rated Direct Ready-made Portfolios

It’s a good idea to understand how much investment risk you are comfortable with. If you would like some help, it’s easy to arrange a free investment coaching session with a qualified financial planner at Bestinvest, with no ongoing commitment.


Direct Balanced

Investment strategy and risk level: 

Balanced portfolios offer moderate risk and growth.

This fund can invest up to 70% in stocks.

See the factsheet


Direct Growth

Investment strategy and risk level: 

Growth portfolios focus on stocks with the potential for higher returns, designed for those comfy with higher risk.

This fund can invest up to 80% in stocks.

See the factsheet


Direct Adventurous

Investment strategy and risk level: 

Adventurous portfolios aim for big growth by mainly investing in stocks, designed for high-risk investors.

This fund can invest up to 90% in stocks.

See the factsheet


Direct Maximum Growth

Investment strategy and risk level: 

Maximum Growth portfolios target the highest returns, investing almost entirely in stocks, for those ready for high risk.

This fund can invest up to 100% in stocks.

See the factsheet

Accounts for Direct Ready-made Portfolios

  • Taxable accounts

    You can buy a Direct Ready-made Portfolio in a General Investment Account – it’s good to note that capital gains tax charges will apply, which depend on individual circumstances and are subject to change.

  • Tax-efficient accounts

    Such as Individual Savings Account (ISA), Self-invested Personal Pension (SIPP) and a Small self-administered scheme (SSAS) investment account

Fees for Direct Ready-made Portfolios

Because Direct Ready-made Portfolios invest directly in shares and bonds there are no additional third-party fund charges. And as there are no underlying fund charges, the Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) is a competitive 0.78% per year (August 2024).

Bestinvest clients also benefit from a discounted tiered service fee rate on their Ready-made Portfolio holdings, starting at 0.2% per year and reducing for large holdings.

Other charges may apply

See our fees and charges

By choosing direct investments rather than funds, investors are exposed to more individual company risk but there is also the opportunity for greater performance. With no third-party costs, this keeps the Direct range low-cost.

Bestinvest can help you get going

If you would like to transfer your existing investments into a Direct Ready-made Portfolio you can give our friendly team a call on 020 7189 2400 and we can help.

Ready to get going? It’s easy to compare our Direct Ready-made Portfolios with our investment search tool.

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