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Investments explained

Investments explained

Develop your investing skills

The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

You can now trade US shares online for free

Growth stocks versus value stocks

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Goldilocks and the investment risks

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What is inflation?

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How to invest

How to invest

Investing 101

If you’re considering investing but want to understand the basics before you get started – or you’ve got some investments but want to learn more – you’re in the right place. We’ve created these lessons – along with a collection of videos, podcasts and articles – to help you on your way.

Investor jargon buster

Investor jargon buster

Relatable definitions for mainstream investment terms

Guides to investing

Guides to investing

Our free investment guides give you ideas and information to help you get the most from your investments. They cover everything from avoiding terrible investment funds to our best ideas and tips on how to become a better investor.