ISAs explained
From the annual allowance to transfer rules and tax benefits, learn everything you need to know about ISAs with Bestinvest.
The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.
Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future.
Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just setting up an account, our in-depth guides will help you understand Stocks & Shares ISAs, Cash ISAs, Junior ISAs and much more.
The different ISA types
Unsure of the differences between a Cash ISA and Stocks & Shares ISA? Need help understanding the rules for Lifetime and Innovative Finance accounts? Explore all the options with our tour around the many ISA variations that are available to investors today.
ISA transfer rules
Transferring an ISA can help you make the most of new opportunities or consolidate your different accounts in one place. Whatever your needs, our guide to ISA transfer rules is here to provide support. Find answers to common questions and the different paths open to you.
How many ISAs can I have?
With four types of adult ISA available, keeping track of the rules can be difficult. Find out just how many ISAs you can have open at the same time in our jargon-free guide. Get real-world examples, along with insights into how you can split your savings between different ISAs.
Calculate what your ISA could be worth
Use our ISA calculator and stay on track the easy way.

Flexible ISAs
Flexible ISAs can help you take full advantage of your annual allowance, while balancing the financial demands of daily life. But how do the rules for flexible accounts work and what do they mean for ISA transfers? Get all the answers you need in our handy step-by-step guide.
ISA allowance 2024/25
Before you get started, it’s important to know exactly how much money can be saved in an ISA each year. We have all the details you need on the 2024/25 annual allowance, plus information about the ISA limits for previous tax years.
Junior ISAs
Junior ISAs give children the chance to benefit from tax-free savings and investments. Learn who can open an account, the different tax benefits on offer and the implications for Child Trust Funds with our introduction to the world of Junior ISAs.
What is an ISA?
Go right back to basics with our quick run-through of how ISAs work. From investment limits and transfer options to tax benefits and the different ISA types, it’s all here. Ensure you get the full picture before opening an account.
ISA jargon buster
Struggling to tell a Junior ISA from a Child Trust Fund? Unclear on what an Additional Permitted Subscription involves? Our ISA jargon buster breaks down a range of technical terms. Weigh up all your options with the help of our crystal-clear definitions.