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Find the fastest path to your investment goals with free expert coaching and smart planning tools. All for less than you think.

The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.

35 years+
assets under administration
assets under administration

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Image for Speak to a Coach for free

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There’s always more to learn about investing and managing your money. That’s why we offer all our customers free coaching online or over the phone with one of our qualified financial planners. No obligation, no catches.

See our Best Funds, and avoid the worst

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Our investment experts help identify constantly poor performing funds in Spot the Dog, and The Best™ Funds List lets you tap into our insights to help you choose from thousands of funds.

The Best™ Funds List is a trademark of Bestinvest.

Invest the way you want

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Choose from our wide range of Ready-made Portfolios or pick your own investments from over 3,000 shares and funds.

See how your money could grow

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Travel into the future with our smart investment tools and insights. Whether you’re a bull or a bear, our projections are tailored to your investments.

Keep track of your goals

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Big dreams? With our goal planner and simulator, you can learn how to make them a reality.

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Low on jargon. High on clarity. We make investing as straightforward as it should be.


We launched in 1986 but our roots go back much further. We’re regulated by the FCA.


With live support and expert coaching, we’re here for you if you need help along the way.

Invest on the go with the new Bestinvest app

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Keep an eye on your investments wherever you are. It's the same great service as ever - now in your pocket. 

  • Check your investment performance
  • Trade funds & shares and add cash
  • Book a free coaching call

网澳洲幸运五5码计划网___Choose what to invest in

Stocks & Shares ISA

Invest up to £20,000 each year in the stock market and keep your gains tax free.

Junior ISA

Get your children started with tax-free investments of up to £9,000 each year.

Personal Pension (SIPP)

Planning ahead? Get flexibility with a Self-invested Personal Pension.

Investment Account

Invest with low annual fees, no fund dealing charges and our easy share-dealing service.


An advanced type of investment which comes with more risk.

SSAS investments

Maximise your SSAS pension investments with a SSAS Pension Investment Account.

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With free expert coaching, smart planning tools and competitive pricing, we have more to offer than other investment platforms or robo-advisors. You can be sure you’re Bestinvesting your money with us.

Main table 

Platforms are online services which allows you to buy, sell and hold investments.
Included here Hargreaves Lansdown, Interactive Investor, AJ Bell Youinvest and Fidelity, representing ~71% of the platform market (Q3 ’23, Platforum).

Robo-advisors are digital wealth managers that provide automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services with little to no human supervision.
Included here Nutmeg, MoneyFarm, Wealthify and Moneybox, representing ~78% of the digital wealth management market (Q3 ’23, Platforum).

Source: Boring Money assessment of competitor websites as at November 2024

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Opening or transferring your online account takes just a few minutes

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See all

Note: Our client and AUA figures are correct as of 31 December 2023. 

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