Aviva Investors launches Venture & Growth Capital LTAF
Aviva LTAF to operate with a UK bias
Aviva LTAF to operate with a UK bias
Will add £1.6bn in assets under advice to Brooks Macdonald
Nick Burchett to take full management of two funds
O’Hara and Barker previously portfolio managers for Henderson European trust
Henderson European trust result of merger between Henderson Eurotrust and Henderson European Focus trust last year
Key events for wealth managers in the week beginning 3 February
MAN Group with highest percentage of five-crown funds
BlackRock ETFs offer exposure to Nasdaq 100
Lucie Meagher joins after 18 years with Ruffer
Wilson leaves AXA IM after 25 years with the company
European and UK equities lose money in home market
Key events for wealth managers in the week beginning 27 January