Evelyn Partners Core MPS team increases government bond exposure
Shift will result in a decrease in corporate bonds and alternative assets
Shift will result in a decrease in corporate bonds and alternative assets
The fund will be co-managed by Stefan Isaacs and Matthew Russell
Rising interest rates, widening discounts and fixed income inflows have bruised assets
There is a question over whether spreads adequately reflect the outlook for the global economy. Do investors need to be cautious?
Quarterly rebalance of its WealthSelect offering
There are signs of problems for the asset class
Liquidations are part of its plan to merge or close over 100 strategies
While US bonds, healthcare and Latin America deliver the only bright spots
But retains higher allocation to alternatives
Tilt towards quality and defensive plays like short dated credit and govvies alongside rising cash levels
With markets aggressively pricing in Fed tightening, value could be returning to global bonds, says T Rowe Price’s Quentin Fitzsimmons
Four out of five funds have set exposure to long-dated government bonds