Baroness Dambisa Moyo: Why traditional multi-asset portfolios may lose their shine
The economist and author discusses return opportunities and risk mitigation
The economist and author discusses return opportunities and risk mitigation
Emerging market growth is becoming increasingly dependent on fundamentals
More than 60% of the firm’s portfolios beat their benchmarks over 12 months
The manager discusses why deglobalisation and the dwindling dominance of China will help spread opportunity and growth to other EM economies
While most global investors are struggling to look past mega-cap tech stocks, there is growing consensus more exciting sectors on more compelling valuations can be found
Relations between China and the US remain strained
Emerging specialist was dropped by SJP last week and has seen its AUM fall two-thirds since October
Improved market sentiment and rising prices tempted UK investors back
Alessia Berardi, head of emerging macro and strategy at the Amundi Investment Institute, encourages investors to look afresh at the opportunities on offer in India
‘High-quality bonds are back and should be a part of any portfolio’
An SFDR Article 9 fund aiming to improve financial inclusion
Liliana Castillo Dearth joins from Wellington