‘If we cannot afford it, we cannot do it’: Chancellor Reeves hints at tax rises as she sets Budget date
Chancellor placed the blame for a £20bn ‘black hole’ in public finances on the Conservative Party
Chancellor placed the blame for a £20bn ‘black hole’ in public finances on the Conservative Party
Pension fund allocations to the UK are dwindling, but David Beggs says Labour could reinvigorate domestic investment
The UK has been out of favour for quite some time, but Michael Born says Labour is making investors more optimistic
Labour MP for Hampstead and Highgate shadowed the role in opposition
Industry ponders effect of Labour majority on UK equities and gilts
AIC chief executive Richard Stone says resolving the issue of double-counting could be an early win for the new government
Changing the story around UK equities is essential to stopping outflows, say UK equity fund managers
A sizeable Labour majority would allow it to deliver stability unimpeded
Stephen Yiu discusses ‘disappointing’ and ‘misguided’ political parties vying for power
Conservative and Labour parties both promise no increases to income, VAT, or corporation tax
However, commentators warn the lack of a concrete commitment to not raise CGT could concern investors
A quarter (27%) of the UK’s highest earners will vote for Keir Starmer in spite of VAT charges on private education