Square Mile adds four strategies to academy
Two funds have ratings suspended in December review
Two funds have ratings suspended in December review
Royal London’s James Elks and AON’s Lindsay Nickerson are to build upon the firm’s client relations
Simplifies options and adds a 100% equity offering to range
In this Fund in Five, George Crowdy, co-manager of the Royal London Sustainable Equity fund, discusses the wider investment universe the portfolio can invest in
The ex-Goldman Sachs manager takes over from Piers Hillier, who will remain as CIO of the firm
Active funds don’t come close to the high returns of the index trackers, with many multi-asset managers cutting their active exposure all together
Total number of funds on platform reaches over 100
Cholwill spent career with Royal London and AXA Investment Managers
Gary Higgs and Kyle Barwell move over from Royal London and Janus Henderson
Small-cap managers claim lifting the 0.5% tax – from which AIM shares are already exempt – could be a vital step towards kickstarting the UK’s ailing stockmarket
18 fund managers join the FE Alpha Manager Hall of Fame for the first time
The $360m fund gained much interest from investors since launch, but seeks to ‘maintain the integrity of its investment process’ by closing off new inflows